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By Deer Tribe / In September 10, 2024

Counting Coup on the Anger Rage Provoking Tyrant

Part of our Tyrants blog series where you will learn the many faces of the tyrants. You will learn about the other tyrants of life like time, situations, space and the environment. You will also learn about the people called “Two-Legged Tyrants” and what their focus is for tyranting you. You will clearly see how you opened the door and let the tyrant in. Best of all, this series teaches you how to stop any tyrant from stealing your life force energy and how to count coup and gain the true teaching for both you and the tyrant.

A Closer Look At The Tyrant

Last blog, we looked at the story & teaching of this tyrant. Now, let’s examine the four faces of the anger, rage provoking tyrants.

Their major goal is to make us accept their priorities and disrupt our design of energy.

In the south are the domineering partners and parents. They try to rule us in an almost arrogant manner. Because we love them and often feel trapped in relationship with them, they can often provoke our anger very easily. They use the emotions to take liberty with us and thus create an imbalance in our emotions. By having our emotions out of balance, this throws off our entire energy and the way we use it. The story about the couple on a vacation is a good example of this face of this tyrant.

In the west are domineering bosses or authority figures. These people often have control in our arena of security, financial and otherwise. Through unconscious provoking of anger and rage, this tyrant can cause us to experience fear and stress that have repercussions for our health, as well as a threat to our job security which is our livelihood and survival. When our security is being impacted, so will our design of energy.

In the north are the demagogic politicians. Here are the politicians who twist society’s standards of morality and justice. Instead of doing the will of the people, they have a belief system that in their mind puts them “above the law”. In other words, they take the rules and laws of society and either change them to fit what they want, or they don’t follow them at all. Yet they often escape the justice other citizens would have to face. You have no say in the matter. This will provoke anger and rage especially when an injustice has occurred. In these situations, people feel helpless and often hopeless because they is no way to fight back.

In the east are terrorists and all criminals. This is a place of determination. A terrorist is a person or persons who invoke abject terror or fear response with no acceptable solution. Their aim is to stop deliberate and decisive actions against their intent. Therefore, they are crossing life and the Children’s Fire. These are often people whose motivations are fired by religious zeal. All criminals sit here because they create their own rules and laws of acceptable behavior. The sociopaths, for example, in transcending all law cross Sacred Law. Or the psychopathic sociopath, for example, takes human life thus crossing life the same as the terrorist. Therefore, the killing spree of someone like Ted Bundy can be seen as a terrorist act. An entire city was terrorized by this one man, the people never knowing when, where or who he would strike.

Counting Coup On The Tyrant

The sitting place (3) of this tyrant is in the northeast where choreography of setting priorities is. This tyrant wants to disrupt your choreography and get you away from what is truly important for you. What this tyrant chooses for priorities results in stress and depression. So, in return they are trying to get you depressed and stressed as well. The roots of this tyrant’s anger provoking behavior are buried deep within the stress and depression they feel.

The one (1) place is how you open the door to the tyrant. It happens when fear is created in your physical body due to the chaos that is produced in your life by the unconscious anger and rage provoking behavior. When the door is open, and you are afraid, a feeling of being powerless sets in and you give in to them.

You must count coup here at the (5) place in the south, the place of emotions. The key is for you to keep your emotions in balance and stay out of the anger and rage they are trying to provoke. Keep your doubts in check and away from the negative story the tyrant is trying to put forth. Take care not to project your own anger onto the tyrant or the situation at hand. Stay cool and calm and present logic and knowledge.

At (6) in the southwest is the true teaching of this tyrant. You have the opportunity to learn how to hold your space while constantly having your buttons pushed by someone in a repressed rage. They also teach you how to stay relaxed and focused on your priorities and true heart desires. Join us on the next blog as we learn about the  lord king or queen tyrant.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series B: Module 2: The Tyrants of Life″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror. 

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