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By Deer Tribe / In August 23, 2024

Counting Coup On The Persecuting Tyrant

Part of our Tyrants blog series where you will learn the many faces of the tyrants. You will learn about the other tyrants of life like time, situations, space and the environment. You will also learn about the people called “Two-Legged Tyrants” and what their focus is for tyranting you. You will clearly see how you opened the door and let the tyrant in. Best of all, this series teaches you how to stop any tyrant from stealing your life force energy and how to count coup and gain the true teaching for both you and the tyrant.

A Closer Look At The Tyrant

Last blog, we looked at the story & teaching of this tyrant. Now, let’s examine the four faces of the persecuting, tormenting tyrants.

In the south are the angry or depressed lovers, friends, parents and children. These tyrants are themselves depressed, and through their persecuting and tormenting behavior they try to hit you where it hurts the most. Because they are your lovers, friends, parents and children you have a heart space for them, and this is the door they walk through when they begin their tormenting behavior. They are tormenting you to try to make themselves feel better. Elise’s mother is an example of the angry or depressed parent in the south.

In the west are the jealous, envious and greedy people. These tyrants carry a deep lack within them. In some form or another they are wanting to “get it all” from you and they will use persecuting and tormenting behavior. They attack your success, physical mastery, talents and skills. For example, if you work with someone and you do a project with excellence, your co-worker in a jealous moment might berate you and your work, finding fault with every small detail.

In the north are people who are vindictive. These are people who want to even the score with you or in someway want revenge for something. They are mentally clever and will torment to get you to lapse into insecurity about your meaning and purpose in life. They get even. They will make you pay.

In the east are the “know it all” politicians, officials and leaders. These are also people we interact with in our social circles or who we work with. They hold over us in some way that they “know it all” and torment you to live your life according to their values. The politicians, officials and leaders are here to serve the people. They are supposed to hold the vision of the people. However, when they are in a position of “knowing it all”, they are not listening to the will of the people. Because these tyrants are unable to receive knowledge, they cannot grow and change. This creates a “know it all” demeanor and they will persecute and torment people into following their vision. For example, there are countless numbers of people who are left-handed and were forced into right-handedness by a persecuting teacher.

Counting Coup On The Tyrant

The sitting place (3) of this tyrant is north. They view their world through the filter of their limited philosophy and beliefs. They use other people’s belief systems against them to torment and put them down. This tyrant has an inability to see different viewing points, and will try to hammer their single perspective at you.

One (1) in the southwest is where you open the door to this tyrant. You open the door because you think this tyrant possesses something that you don’t have. Ironically this tyrant is full of jealousy and envy for what you have and they don’t. By your willingness to let this tyrant continue to torment and humiliate you, the door stays open and they encroach on your space.

You must count coup on this tyrant at the (5) place in the southeast. Through the constant persecuting behavior they will hit at your self-concept. They will try to pound into the ground how you see life and what is important to you. The key here is that no one has to be a tyrant to you. You must hold the attitude that lets them know you are not afraid or at the effect of their mental harassment. Do not try to reason with this tyrant, for they themselves have no logic when they are persecuting. These tyrants do their best to get you angry so you will not be able to hold your space. The ending of the story illustrates this well.

For a secondary gain, reflect back to them how their tyranting behavior is actually sabotaging what they really want (which is what you possess that they are jealous of) and is not co-empowering.

The true teaching for this tyrant is at (6) which sits in the south, the place of the emotions. This tyrant teaches you how to keep good emotional balance and control, and to deal with the doubts in your own story of what is your true meaning and purpose in your life.

Join us on the next blog as we learn about the anger and rage provoking tyrant.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series B: Module 2: The Tyrants of Life″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror. 

#DTMMS #DeerTribe #Heal #Change #Grow #SharingKnowledgeThatWorks

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