The European Office
The European office is located in Germany and is of service to seekers, students and apprentices situated on this side of the Atlantic.
The DTMMS office team
Under the guidance of Sarah Tucker Fisher and Clark Fortune, the DTMMS office team; Dennis Daniels (Front Desk), Marianna Silver Sky Song (Web Producer), Gene Wright (Financial Department), Jim Goohs (Products & Shipping), and Anne Schüttoff (European Office) meet weekly to streamline operations, tackle administrative challenges, and improve communication across languages and locations to serve our expanding global community.
Anne Schüttoff joined the DTMMS office staff a year ago with Karsten Gushke, the former manager of the European Office, standing behind her. She began her apprenticeship seven years ago, and has participated in various lodge programs across Germany, including Earth Lodge. She has danced some years in our annual SunDance ceremony and even attended a drum workshop in Norway! Through these experiences, she discovered a desire to build bridges across the diverse cultures found within our SMSD family, and shares;
“I know and trust that when we feed the Gold Horse we make collective change for the better. The SMSD Path has supported me to reveal more of my shining. I am deeply touched each time another person decides to apprentice, to go for their light, their healing, and respond to their Soul moving them to learn and grow. I find meaning in being of service, this is my motivation to step into leadership and be a role model for others – it is inspiring to assist others in pursuit of their spiritual growth.”
Anne resonates with the growing desire within our international community—a desire to connect, learn beyond borders and be a part of a larger matrix, and emphasizes the DTMMS office team’s commitment to facilitating this movement. She describes the function of the European Office as an extension of the main DTMMS office in Arizona.
The DTMMS office team ask for our support in these endeavours by adhering to the following protocols:
New apprentices
Please send all new apprenticeship applications to the European office. Once an application is received the apprentice will be emailed the necessary forms and payment details, and this information is sent to the DTMMS main office. The finance office will then email an invoice to the apprentice. When payment is confirmed by the finance office, the EU office will send the Gateway Guidebook & the Apprentice Handbook directly to the new apprentice.
Apprentice Fees
All apprentice fees are to be paid directly to the main DTMMS office or online.
If you require assistance with online payments, contact the DTMMS main office in Arizona (for English speakers), and Anne at the European office (for German speakers).
Gateway Guidebooks & Logs
All apprentices are asked to submit their completed Gateway logs to the main DTMMS Office in the US.
Some welcome news about the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Gateway Guidebooks!
The English and German language versions will now be sent to apprentices from the European office, once confirmation from the main DTMMS Office in the US has been received.
The Green Manual (Shamanic Wheels & Keys Vol.1) both German & English versions are available from the European Office.
These changes will result in reduced shipping costs and delivery time on this side of the world ☺
Shamanic Wheels & Keys$50.00
Anne is happy to answer your questions about the above information and ready to support all apprentices and seekers on this side of the world by providing information and access to the relevant resources for your spiritual journey.
This includes providing information about SMSD Lodges, Study Groups, Earth Lodges, workshops, and ceremonial events, including Eagle Dances.
You can reach her at

Anne lives close to Stuttgart, South Germany.
With a background in graphic design, she currently works as a career advisor, but aspires to return to her calling as an art teacher.
© DTMMS. All Rights Reserved. Material cannot be used without explicit written permission.