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By Deer Tribe / In August 30, 2024

The Anger Rage Provoking Tyrant

Part of our Tyrants blog series where you will learn the many faces of the tyrants. You will learn about the other tyrants of life like time, situations, space and the environment. You will also learn about the people called “Two-Legged Tyrants” and what their focus is for tyranting you. You will clearly see how you opened the door and let the tyrant in. Best of all, this series teaches you how to stop any tyrant from stealing your life force energy and how to count coup and gain the true teaching for both you and the tyrant.


A new adventure loomed out in front of us like standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon. It was time for a long awaited and deserved vacation. I had some very specific ideas about what I wanted that vacation to be like and it was a chore to get my husband on line. But with a few minor concessions we had an agreement to go backpacking in the mountains.

Soon after arriving I began to notice very mild resistances on the part of my husband, like wanting to sleep a little later, sitting on the porch reading a book even when I prodded him to get ready for the evening hike. I should have seen the warning signs, the mopey energy and negative attitude, but nothing I could really give a name to. This bothered me a little, in fact it made me angry, but I was determined not to let anything spoil this vacation.

Aside from this, all was going well until the second day when we planned to climb to the mountain summit, about a thousand-foot assent. His bad mood suddenly began to escalate and at breakfast he began to grumble under his breath. “I really didn’t want this kind of vacation. Climbing these mountains is work. This isn’t a vacation. If I wanted to work, I could have stayed home. We could have gone to Hawaii or some great place where I could be having fun. I only came on this kind of a vacation because you wanted to. Can’t we stay down off the mountain and go into the city for something else to do? I’m bored”.

You can imagine what was racing through my mind at that moment. Immediately all my buttons got pushed and a surge of anger made my face flush. I thought about how we had planned this vacation together and we were excited about it. Jim was fully on board, or at least I thought he was. As Jim’s grumbling took on more intensity, I noticed he didn’t show outward signs of anger, only pent-up dissatisfaction.

I felt myself go numb. I became afraid and confused. I could feel a pool of anger start to well up inside me. But I was determined not to let anything ruin this vacation. So, I cooled my anger and took a few deep breaths trying to gain an overall perspective of where Jim was coming from. It was very important for me not to doubt myself and play into his negativity.

Being very logical I said to Jim, “I realize this wasn’t your first choice of a vacation spot. And I really appreciate that you made the choice to come here with me. For me it doesn’t matter where we go on vacation as long as I am with you. I was reading in Psychology Today about some research they are doing about what happens to people when they go out in nature. They say that you begin to drop all the masks that you need to wear when you are in the city. You get back to what they call your natural self. Something inside you actually begins to let down and aligns you with nature and who you really are. This is the real reason I wanted to come to the mountains. I wanted for both of us to get to a natural place, let down and be with one another. If you don’t want to hike the summit, I can do it by myself, but my preference is to be with you.”

I could see the expression on Jim’s face soften. He said he never knew this stuff about being natural in nature, Jim wasn’t immediately able to totally let go of his dissatisfaction, but for the rest of the vacation we were able to find a good mixture of playing out in nature, letting go of the stress and anxiety, and doing some site seeing in the city. Jim and I even ended up hiking to the summit once.



The anger rage provoking tyrant pushes all the right buttons and then keeps pushing. These tyrants are blind to the fact that they are producing a reaction in you. When they push your buttons, you are forced into a victim role. They use the wind and fire swords to work through your mind to break your spirit. They are trying to control your design of energy by inducing chaos. The passive aggressive personality is typical of this type of tyrant.

Underlying Cause

This tyrant does not know how to be connected to their own desires and how to truly give. Since they are unaware of this, they are not open to life and this sets up a greed that limits them and creates the anger underneath. They receive anger and rage in reaction to their repressed anger and this in turn creates more anger in them.

Unconscious Motivation

The focus of this tyrant is to create fear in you through their unconscious anger provoking behavior. This fear can be issues like rejection, abandonment or anything that is unresolved in you that the tyrant is addressing. They use chaos to create fear so you will feel powerless.

This tyrant has an agenda to get what they really want so they try to distract you from what you really want. This all sets you up to feel insecure about what’s really important to you. Since their giving and receiving energy does not flow well, they are in stress and use chaos to create depression and stress in your world as well. Because of the confusion, you will not be able to receive with your mind and will go into a mindless defense mode to counter them.

Impact of the tyrant

Underneath, this tyrant is repressing anger and rage. They are trying to communicate to you their story about how life really is for them. The twist is that they themselves are usually cool and calm. If you are impacted by their repressed rage, you will forget your priorities, lose your space and create stress in your circle. You will exit from the one thing that could help you stay at cause – your logical mind.

Join us on the next blog as we take a closer look at this tyrant. See what you need to do to count coup on this tyrant and be at cause in your circle.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series B: Module 2: The Tyrants of Life″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror. 

#DTMMS #DeerTribe #Heal #Change #Grow #SharingKnowledgeThatWorks

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