The Five Senses
The teachings of the Human Flowering Tree and Luminous Egg Cocoon remind us that humanity is far more than the pain and struggles of its history. By learning the developmental and evolutionary stages of being human, we uncover a deeper understanding of our potential to transform and mature. These teachings challenge us to embrace both light and shadow, turning past experiences into fertile ground for growth. Through the Luminous Egg Cocoon, we can raise our Orende, reclaim our harmony, and step into the beauty of who we are meant to be.
Through our Five Senses, we as humans process our symbols of life’s experiences. These senses are taste, hearing, smell, sight, and touch (see Figure 4). Our senses are intimately related to our sense of balance. Think of the last time you were in a room and the lights suddenly went off, leaving you in complete darkness. Perhaps your steps got shorter, and you began to shuffle. You had to feel around for things and were generally disoriented. When one of our senses is deleted or limited, we experience a loss of balance. On a higher level, our senses are not only important for everyday functioning but also imperative for our survival.

Generally, when we speak of our five senses, we refer only to our 2 physical eyes and ears, the touch of our hands, the smell through our nose, and the taste buds on our tongue. We are much more than we know.
Sight is a function of our two physical eyes, and relates to light and color. It works with the element of fire. The average human being has relatively poor eyesight. In the animal kingdom, the eagle has an eyesight level of 10, the human has the level of 4-6. Thunderstrikes says this is because much of sight is overshadowed by the emotions. An example: Five people witness an accident and each one will see what happened differently. This is mostly because of the different viewing points. However, depending on the emotional state of the person observing, they will see more or less of what actually happened. If one of those people knew someone in the car, their emotional connection could overshadow their seeing.

If you have poor eyesight and need corrective lenses, the first step is to understand why your eyes are bad. What is it you don’t want to see? Wearing corrective lenses only treats symptom, not cause.
The human being has 10 eyes (see Figure 5a). Eyes 1 and 2 are the left and right physical eyes. Your left eye sees an object’s relationship to you. It is the Objective Eye. The right eye sees your relationship to the object. It is the Subjective Eye.
You will look more dominantly through one eye or the other at different times. Begin to pay attention to how you focus. When you are looking at someone teaching you, or your spouse or children, do you tend to focus more with your left or right eye? If you want to see that person’s viewing point objectively, you will focus with your left eye dominant. If you want to know how you relate to them, you will focus with your right eye. If you focus with both eyes, you will get an equally balanced viewing point. Right now, look at any object in the room. If you want to understand your relationship to that object, you must look more with your right eye. If you want to understand the object’s connection to you, look with your left eye.
Something else to consider: If you meet someone and you are comfortable, you will look into their right eye. This allows you to be seen by them subjectively. If you are not comfortable, you will look into their left eye. Looking at the left eye will give you more space. This allows you to stay at an objective distance. If you wear corrective lenses, look at your eye test to see which of your eyes is weaker. If your left eye is weaker, your lower self does not want to look at the world objectively and see reality as it actually exists. If your right eye is weaker, it means you do not want to look at yourself as you really are.
By knowing the cause, you can begin to correct the dysfunction. Are you farsighted or nearsighted? If you are farsighted, you want to keep things away from you and out at a distance. You are locked into your own inner space and afraid to let things close. If you are nearsighted, you need things close so you can identify yourself through others’ perceptions. You will also have trouble looking into the future to plan and will be slow to make changes.
Let’s look at a couple of other eye dysfunctions. Cataracts are layers of membrane that grow over the eyes. This is an indication that the person doesn’t want to see the pain in the world. With glaucoma, the person doesn’t want to see inside. With astigmatism, everything floats, nothing stays stationary. It indicates a person’s denial of their power. It is difficult to accept that you may have created an eye dysfunction. However, the first step to getting at the cause is self-examination.
Understanding our physical eyes is only the beginning. Beyond sight, there are spiritual eyes that offer deeper insights into truth, intuition, and survival. Join us next time as we delve into the Psychic Eye and the Heart Eye and uncover their connection to spiritual awareness.
Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series A: Module 3: The Human Flowering Tree: The Luminous Egg Cocoon (Part 1 of 2) ″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror.
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