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By Deer Tribe / In January 31, 2025

The Six Cosmic Laws

The teachings of the Human Flowering Tree and Luminous Egg Cocoon remind us that humanity is far more than the pain and struggles of its history. By learning the developmental and evolutionary stages of being human, we uncover a deeper understanding of our potential to transform and mature. These teachings challenge us to embrace both light and shadow, turning past experiences into fertile ground for growth. Through the Luminous Egg Cocoon, we can raise our Orende, reclaim our harmony, and step into the beauty of who we are meant to be.

There are six Sacred Laws, called the Cosmic Laws, which govern the energy field called the Luminous Egg Cocoon. They are simple and ever-present.

The first law is Death gives Life. To help understand this law, I draw on a story from Thunderstrikes

When he was a little boy, he had a pony named Smokey. One day Smokey did not return from the field. Trying to hold back his tears and the nagging intuition that something terrible had happened, he walked out to the pasture to look for him. Something in him kept saying that Smokey was dead. By a tree he came upon the pony, lying motionless. He ran all the way home, tears in his eyes and went straight to his Indian grandmother, Spotted Fawn. He was very upset and did not want to go back to where the pony lay. His grandmother took him by the hand and told him she had a very important lesson about life for him. Together they walked to where the dead pony lay. His grandmother took her knife and slit Smokey’s belly open. Out of the belly came the entrails of the pony filled with maggots. His grandmother said “Look, grandson, your pony’s death made it possible for these maggots to have life. These maggots are the Great Spirit’s “little surgeons” and they are great healers. The essence of Smokey has gone into everything you see. Next year the grass will grow better here, and the trees will be fed. It is very important to remember that death gives life.”

When you bite into an apple, you kill the apple so that you may live. The apple does this as part of its beingness as a giver.

Look in your life for examples where you can see this law operating.

The second law is Life gives Rebirth, which has to do with the quality of life. If someone doesn’t live life to the fullest, they don’t get the rebirth or rejuvenation which is a natural outcome. Many people believe that being passive means you are more spiritually connected. In fact, it is just the opposite. Passivity breeds violence: force regulates it.

For example, look at the bully who picks on the weakling who will not fight back. The bully keeps picking on him until he fights back and matches the energy—then the bully stops. When people are passive, the potential for violence increases in proportion. When a person lives life watching and waiting for things to happen, they are not receiving the fullest benefit from life. Therefore, no rebirth occurs. Nowhere in nature will you find examples of where passivity does not breed violence. When you accept the challenge of life and match its energy, you have a continual rebirth.

Let’s look at another example of Life-giving Rebirth. When you eat something, you begin to digest the food. This is life. What you ate will begin to give your body nutrients to replenish itself. This is rebirth.

The third law is Rebirth gives Movement. This law means that when it is time for something to change, a rebirth is called for. Movement will occur naturally. For example, when traditions no longer fit the needs of the people, the people will seek a rebirth of these traditions. This will create movement into new traditions within the society. Our government is very much an example of this. The way the laws are written, no one can read them, let alone understand them. The people feel disenfranchised from the laws and the government. They experience the effect of less and less freedom. Many of the laws no longer meet the needs of the people. Therefore, the people will begin to seek a rebirth of the civil, social, and religious structures, and movement will happen.

The fourth law is Movement gives Change. This law states that when movement occurs, change is inevitable. Don’t expect change, just move with it and change when the everything changes.

The fifth law is Change gives Chaos. This says that when change happens, it will always give way to chaos. Think about the last time you planned a dinner for five and eight people showed up. Eighty percent of what happens to you in life is a patterned response created by your conditioning in life. That ranges from marrying someone “just like your father” three consecutive times to catching a cold two or three times a year. Eighty percent of the time any of these could mean you are responding within pattern. The other twenty percent of change is the law of chance. It is the free will, intent, and focus of the Great Spirit. This shows how the Great Spirit, the Everything, or the Universe chooses to continue to grow through the use of chaotic energy.

The sixth law is Chaos gives Death. When chaos occurs, it will shake up pattern so much that a death of some sort will happen. When you decide to move from one state to another, the chaos which ensues is awesome. Yet it is through this chaos that the death of the old way of being is realized. This death brings us full circle, returning to the first law, Death gives Life.

The Cosmic Laws and Our Luminous Egg Cocoon

Here is a teaching that has within it another demonstration of how these Six Laws relate to the Luminous Egg Cocoon.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series A: Module 3: The Human Flowering Tree: The Luminous Egg Cocoon (Part 1 of 2) ″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror. 

#DTMMS #DeerTribe #Heal #Change #Grow #SharingKnowledgeThatWorks

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