The Teacher Tyrant
Part of our Tyrants blog series where you will learn the many faces of the tyrants. You will learn about the other tyrants of life like time, situations, space and the environment. You will also learn about the people called “Two-Legged Tyrants” and what their focus is for tyranting you. You will clearly see how you opened the door and let the tyrant in. Best of all, this series teaches you how to stop any tyrant from stealing your life force energy and how to count coup and gain the true teaching for both you and the tyrant.
THE TEACHER TYRANT: Center of the Tyrants Wheel
As I stated in the dedication of this Course of Study, Thunder Strikes is the best teacher tyrant I know. He has consistently worn the masks that have been instrumental in helping me see the dark mirror within my oral character structure, and he continually sends me back into my own circle of power. I offer this personal story to illustrate the Teacher Tyrant mask.
I stood in my arbor having just about completed my second SunDance. I felt excited that I was still on the path and after the SunDance even more committed than before. As part of the closing, Thunder Strikes was accepting medicine gifts. As I waited in line to give him my gift, I began to reminisce over the past two years and began to marvel about the fact that I was still on the path.
After I gave him my gift, I spontaneously and with much excitement said to him “You know, Thunder Strikes I didn’t think I would still be here”. He looked up at me and with a voice like cold steel said, “I don’t care if you are here or not”. Immediately my shields began to spin, and I was set right back in my own circle. What I realized in that moment is that I was on this path for myself, not anyone else. This was only one example of having been counted coup on by my teacher, and I can honestly say that throughout my apprenticeship with ThunderStrikes he stayed true to form.
The teacher tyrant is a mask that a teacher wears to teach their students. This tyrant mask has two sides. First, the teacher must have the ability to see your inner self and to know which mask you are putting on. Secondly, they must have the ability to put on any of the tyrant masks at will. They must know which mask is the most appropriate to invoke your growth. In other words, they play a certain tyrant for your growth and process of maturity.
This teacher tyrant sits in the center and is the catalyst for the other masks and they know how to use all of the swords (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual or sexual). Here the teacher must be very skilled at confronting the external tyrants, but also very clear in defeating their own inner tyrant. This must be so for the teacher tyrant to give a clear mask or mirror and not get their own issues mixed in.
There is no closer look at the Teacher Tyrant or counting coup because this tyrant incorporates all the tyrants into their center mask. There are many teachers, however, who sit somewhere in one or more of the tyrant positions on the wheel and do not sit in this center position because they have not mastered the tyrants themselves.
This completes our teachings on the tyrants.