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Our Vision & Mission

The Sweet Medicine SunDance path inspires spiritual evolution. It is a shamanic tradition dedicated to sharing Knowledge that Works which guides us into Healing, Growth and Transformation. The Sweet Medicine Sundance path shows us how to establish a deep connection to Nature which teaches us how we are interconnected with all of Life.


Communities of Like-Minded Seekers with Study Groups, Lodges, Longhouses and community gatherings bring life-changing ceremonies and teachings in the form of wheels and keys.

Physical & Physical Healing

Heal Your Entire Being: Body, Emotions, Mind, Spirit and Soul. Personal healing practices that restore balance and support both allopathic and alternative medicines. This includes ceremonial alchemy that addresses the cause, not just the symptoms, of many diseases.

Personal Development & Growth

Explore and Develop Your Physical Health, Strength, and Skills. The body is intended to live a very long time. We provide programs that increase endurance and promote longevity and heightened awareness.

Life’s Transitions

Meet and move through your life changes with beauty. Rites of Passage Ceremonies teach, heal and encourage healthy growth through all life passages.

Relationship Enhancements

Sexuality is one of the most misunderstood and misused energies today. The Quodoushka spiritual sexual teachings take us back to imagine that sex is natural, sacred and beautiful.

Upcoming Events

Should you wish to attend an event, simply reach out to the respective event's point of contact!

Ceremonial Week and Vision Quest in Michigan

It is the time of the year to go out into nature…

Date: August 4, 2024 — August 9, 2024
Location: Grand Rapids, United States


Clark F
(248) 797-6647

Requirement: Over 18


Dreaming the Sacred Ceremonial Week in Ontario

It is the time of the year to go out into nature…

Date: August 5, 2024 — August 10, 2024
Location: Ontario, Canada


Barbara N


Quodoushka 1 -Germany (German language)

The Chuluaqui Quodoushka workshops are an education in spiritual sexuality designed to…

Date: August 7, 2024 — August 11, 2024
Location: Pommelsbrunn, Germany


Karsten G


Eagle Dance in Michigan

An Eagle Dance is a powerful ceremony of renewal and reconnection with…

Date: August 9, 2024 — August 11, 2024
Location: Michigan, Grand Rapids, United States


Debbie Mast
(586) 306-6075

Requirement: over 18


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