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By Deer Tribe / In November 28, 2022

Balanced Choreography

In Figure 14 you will find a wheel called the Balanced Choreography of Energy. This wheel describes the most balanced way to use energy.

In the South we give with our emotions with tenderness. We already know giving with the emotions is a means of “energy motion” or “E-motion.” Emotions are meant to be expressed, to flow freely. In other words, if we are angry we give our anger; when we are happy we give happiness; when we are sad, we cry and give with sadness. Our emotions are a part of our beauty which we have to give away. As long as we are giving our emotions with tenderness our emotions are true, clear and clean expressions of what is happening with us. We are in balance.

In the West, we hold with the physical body with intimacy. Now, this does not mean to hold as in hold on tight. It is holding in the sense of transforming energy through stabilization and for utilization. Think of it as an electrical cord. The body is the structure through which electrical energy moves like a conduit, and provides the transformed energy to turn a fan, or work a toaster, or move the body parts.

In the North, we receive with the mind through clarity and caring. Our mind is an open cup, ready to receive from many viewing points and perspectives. When we are open only to one viewing point, we can get tunnel vision. The more ideas and concepts we can receive with our minds, the greater will be our capacity to see many different perspectives and therefore, gain more clarity.

In the East we determine with the spirit through passion and lust. The words passion and lust are bound to create controversy. Think of it this way. You have not had an apple in a long time, and you may never have an apple again. As you eat this apple, you totally focus your attention on it. With all your senses you taste the juice of it; you are aware of the texture and smell of it. You savor every morsel of it as if it were the only thing going in town. This is eating an apple with passion and lust. So in our lives, with everything we do, whether it is cleaning the floor, writing a paper, or making love, we should do it with the spirit of passion and lust, as if it were the last moment of life. Savor each moment by determining with your intent and focus from your spirit.

In the Center we catalyze with our sexual soul force through open heart to heart communication. Our open hearted sexual communication is what gives us our identity as a human being. This comes through our soul, our life force energy.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series A: Module 1″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror.


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