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STEPPING INTO THE SILENCE is one of the basic Warrior Techniques of Discipline of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. You will be guided into a deep state of relaxation which allows you to quiet your mind and create a sanctuary within yourself. This sacred space is known as the “inner river of knowing” and, once found, cannot be taken away from you. Thus you will be able to return to it again and again for personal healing rejuvenation. Janneke’s voice will call in the Powers of the Universe and lead you down into the deeper levels of your consciousness. Follow it as long as it serves you. From within your own inner sanctuary, you can be restored into a natural balance. Once purchased, to access your digital product, simply log into your account and go to MY ACCOUNT (top right), and click DOWNLOADS (bottom left).  
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STEPPING INTO THE SILENCE is one of the basic Warrior Techniques of Discipline of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. You will be guided into a deep state of relaxation which allows you to quiet your mind and create a sanctuary within yourself. This sacred space is known as the “inner river of knowing” and, once found, cannot be taken away from you. Thus you will be able to return to it again and again for personal healing rejuvenation. Janneke’s voice will call in the Powers of the Universe and lead you down into the deeper levels of your consciousness. Follow it as long as it serves you. From within your own inner sanctuary, you can be restored into a natural balance. Once purchased, to access your digital product, simply log into your account and go to MY ACCOUNT (top right), and click DOWNLOADS (bottom left).  


There are two versions on this recording:

One guides you into a deep sleep from which you will awaken refreshed and ready to focus on your daily affairs with renewed vitality; the other brings you back awake, aware, and alert at the snap of the fingers, refreshed and ready for action.

Give yourself the love that makes your heart Happy.
Take in the Healing that your body needs.
From within the silence of your mind you receive balance and discover Humor.
Your spirit will be renewed with Hope.
As your taste the passion for life that vibrates throughout your entire being,
Your soul is restored into Harmony.



This spiritual discipline is best practised on a regular basis to accomplish definite and consistent change in your behavior. Practice it at least three times a week for three months to experience the greatest benefit. Then continue as needed or desired.

We thank our Nagual Thunder Strikes for teaching this Warrior Technique of Discipline and granting permission for this recording. We also thank Martin Thunderbolt Staaf for his musical and recording expertise, Joerg van Corva for manifesting this project, Marianna for the graphic design, and Janneke Tateshina for lending her voice.

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