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By Deer Tribe / In October 15, 2024

Ask an A-Road: An interview with Porsche Lynne

Porsche was an apprentice of Lynne V. Andrews before she came to the SMSD Path. In fact, it was Lynne who recommended her to go to Swiftdeer for a healing. Porsche apprenticed to the SMSD Path in1992, and has specialised in the arts of Black Lodge – armed & unarmed self defense, survival training and physical fitness. She is a certified NRA instructor in pistol, rifle and shotgun and has won several World Champion pistol titles. She is also an instructor in the TenNoKishi Dojo, which is a mixed martial arts system, and holds belts in several different martial art systems.

In 2021, she became a member of the DTMMS board and acknowledges that it has been, at times, personally challenging to be a board member of the organisation that is responsible for her Path with Heart.

“I’m overjoyed that the DTMMS board has members from our international community – this has been an important and necessary step considering the large number of apprentices in Europe, the UK, Scandinavia, Australia, and Canada.
To all of you – If you get the chance to take a trip across that great ocean we would love you to come visit the Rainbow Powers Center, and explore the land too, the desert is otherworldly, unique, and strong for magical dreaming. If you can’t make it soon, put it on your bucket list!”

Porsche has been a teacher in Red Lodge AZ for 10 years, although in her own process she didn’t join the Red Lodge program until Year 3. Prior to joining Red Lodge, her apprenticeship with Thunder Strikes was ‘old school’, where he would give her assignments and ceremonies that she did on her own steam, and she maintains that this ‘old way’ is still valid. 

“What finally attracted me was the crystal medicine… I really wanted to learn how to shift someone’s A Point!”

Red Lodge

Red Lodge
Calgary, Canada

Red Lodge

“There needs to be freedom for the apprentice to follow their heart and find out what works for them in both their tonal and nagual life, and there are lots of choices of how to be an apprentice on this Path; you can try out different study groups or join a lodge program to get the teachings & ceremonies, sign up for Red Lodge, or you could go ‘old school’ and work with a Guide privately. There’s no one way, it’s more about what you are looking for; a solid, regular program, community, individual self-study…there are many possibilities.
For example, there are some apprentices who truly want to learn, do ceremony, and create a better life for themselves, but it is not their heart’s desire to go through to the higher gateways. Some people just desire to be a part of a community where they can gather in a Sacred space with like-minded others, participate in ceremonies and enhance their lives with knowledge and practices. They can ask their Guides for teachings and personal ceremonies based on what they are interested in, or issues they are encountering and need support to deal with.”

Spiritual growth and development is a highly personal, individual journey, nobody learns or grows at the same speed or in the same way, there is a necessity to give space for learning and trying things out to truly integrate a change in our daily life.

“Our SMSD mission statement is to disseminate the teachings and ceremonies to all those who ask for them. Our Path has an abundance of wheels & keys of knowledge, ceremonies, tools, and practices that are relevant and applicable to all people to fulfil their desire to learn and grow without having to be an apprentice or dedicate themselves to the gateway process.”

Worldwide, there are ceremonial gatherings, Eagle Dances, community purification lodges, Brotherhood & Sisterhood Circles, Quodoushka and Shamanic Dearmoring / Body Dearmoring, Rites of Passage and various other events that are open for all. 

“Red Lodge Arizona holds an annual Ceremonial week that is not only for those in the program, folks in the greater community are most welcome.” 

This is a week of magic and heart-full community with A Roads Porsche, John Kent III, Deb Laughlin, and Razel Wolf. They offer the opportunity for you to participate in personal and/or gateway ceremonies, purification lodges, an Eagle Dance… or if you prefer, just come, enjoy the land and the community, and be of service.

Porsche Lynne

Born in Michigan and raised in a small farming community, Porsche began her seeking over 30 years ago. She has studied many different spiritual paths; Buddhist, Hindu, Paganism, Shinto, Yoruban and more.
“I have never stopped seeking spiritual teachers, leaders & healers and travelled many miles around the planet to learn, grow and expand with all of the 8 Great Powers”. 

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