Lineage in Motion: Dianne “Nightbird” Reagan
It was a warm summer afternoon in June right before the U.S. Annual Renewal Ceremony and I had the privilege of sitting with Dianne “Nightbird” Reagan. Nightbird is the co-founder of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society and has been on the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path (SMSD) for over 45 years. She is a 9th Gateway apprentice, Hereditary Lineage Leader, ceremonial leader of the higher gateways, DTMMS Board of Director, and the Quodoushka Director.
How did DTMMS begin?
“When SwiftDeer began offering Medicine teachings to the public, he did it out of our home In California. I produced all the advertising for our Medicine Journeys to the Southwest United States. We acquired a formal teaching Center in Temple City, California that catered to the Martial arts and the SMSD wheels and keys. So naturally, all aspects about sharing the medicine have included me.”
Do you have any hobbies?
“My hobbies are currently Ikebana (Japanese formal flower arranging), aviation experiences through in-person flight simulators. My other hobbies have included country & western line dancing and defensive driving courses.”
It was no surprise to me that Nightbird’s favorite sports have included marksmanship competitions, volleyball, Martial arts and miniature golf.
How about your favorite foods?
“Japanese curry, authentic Mexican and McDonald’s French fries.”
What do you like to do on your day off?
“Relax with a book, see a great movie, go to a cooking demo, walk in the Japanese Gardens in Phoenix.”
Her favorite spot in the world is a beautiful beach, where she can walk on the sand, smell the ocean, and look for, or swim with the dolphins.
Nightbird enjoys learning new things within the SMSD Path, refreshing her perspectives to increase her understanding of spiritual connection.
Heightened awareness deepens her personal reflections of how the SMSD teachings are “keys” to understand the spiritual disciplines, concepts and practices within other authentic 8 Great Powers organizations.
Her current goals are to continue through the 9th Gateway, and return to Japan with a possible medicine journey for students.

Dianne Nightbird
Clinical Hypnotherapist, (ACHE) American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
Offering perspectives, reflections, towards positive outcome
How do you see the SMSD Path growing?
“I see potential for a growth increase through sharing publications and programs with spiritual seekers and explorer’s who desire to learn and cultivate their highest spiritual potential. Audio and video interviews, strategically positioned within social media, with multi-level gateway apprentices who have gained a healing, or transformation within their 5 aspects of Self through the gateway process, ceremony, and longhouse programs are also a vehicle to communicate the beauty way of the SMSD wheels and keys.
The basic SMSD teachings are the foundation to build upon; The Flowering Tree ceremonies, the 4 Worlds, and the Star Maiden’s Circle. Apply the Star Maiden’s Circle to your life and be inspired by your illuminations, as they radiate within your presence.”
In conclusion, Nightbird wanted to share this message with all apprentices;
“The choice to commit and walk a spiritual path is one of dedication and investment within your continued spiral of evolution.”
by Sarah Tucker Fisher

Dianne Reagan began the conscious pursuit of her current spiritual path with heart in 1977. Dedication to spiritual advancement continuously deepens her intuition, instinct, and connection to Great Spirit’s guidance. Her diverse education, training, and experiences includes: Clinical Hypnotherapist, graduate of the Oomoto Summer Seminar of Japanese Traditional Arts, Martial Arts, Personal Protection Specialist, Self Defense Instructor & Marksmanship Instructor. She is an advocate of the peaceful warrior embracing victory in everyday living life.
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