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By Deer Tribe / In May 3, 2024

People as Tyrants

Part of our Tyrants blog series where you will learn the many faces of the tyrants. You will learn about the other tyrants of life like time, situations, space and the environment. You will also learn about the people called “Two-Legged Tyrants” and what their focus is for tyranting you. You will clearly see how you opened the door and let the tyrant in. Best of all, this series teaches you how to stop any tyrant from stealing your life force energy and how to count coup and gain the true teaching for both you and the tyrant.


We will now look at people as tyrants. We are part of the animal world. We are a two-legged animal. When we reach the place of being a determiner on this planet and achieve a certain level of consciousness, then we become sacred humans. You might say that much of the tyranting that we do and are subjected to in many cases is our journey to polish off the rough edges so that we can learn enough to step into the place of being truly human. Granted, most two-leggeds are recycled many times before this step is made. Many two-legged tyrants do their tyranting on a very unconscious level, not aware of their behavior. However, when you tyrant you are trying to learn that you are a tyrant. In the book, Fire From Within, Don Juan is much more specific by saying that petty tyrants deal in the realm of the known. “In fact, what turns human beings into (petty) tyrants is precisely the obsessive manipulation of the known”.

The Two-Legged Tyrants Mask wheel teachings are out of the West of the Wheels of Masks of Our Mirror of Self-Reflection. The term mask means “a covering used to conceal all or part of the face as a disguise or for protection”. It’s difficult when you are in the thick of a tyrant attack to see it as something that is put on as a disguise or for protection. You must begin to see these tyrants as masks that can be worn. Later in the section on counting coup you will learn how to wear these masks yourself to turn the table on the very person that is trying to tyrant you. Let’s have a closer look at the characteristics of these tyrants.

The tyrant masks are eight different aspects of ourselves as tyrants to others as well as the different types of tyrants that others can be to us. It is important to understand at this point that any one person can be a number of these tyrants. Tyranting is an approach, a modus operandi, and not necessarily a personality type. Learning to work effectively with these tyrants can be an extremely valuable process for gaining more power and control within the self.

If you look at the Two-Legged Tyrants Mask Wheel you will notice the designation of elemental swords in each of the directions. A sword is a weapon that is used primarily for offense, but as well can be used for defense. It is not unusual to see both tyrant and the tyrant’s intended victim using elemental swords in an encounter. When used in this elemental context within the directions it refers to a tyrant directing their energy toward a person’s human quality chat relates to that direction. For example in the south is the water sword. When used by the tyrant they either come at you with their emotions or they try to affect your emotions. The earth sword in the west uses the physical energy to affect your physical body or space. The wind sword in the north uses verbal communication to disrupt your mental capacity. The fire sword in the east uses passion and fiery energy to distract your spirit. For each of the tyrants you will find a typical scenario along with a general description of their basic disposition. Then key aspects of the tyrant will be illuminated, including what elemental swords are used.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series B: Module 2: The Tyrants of Life″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror. 

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