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By Deer Tribe / In December 15, 2023


Let’s take a look at what Webster’s Dictionary has to say about a tyrant. The first definition is “One who rules oppressively or cruelly; a despot”, The second definition is “One who exercises absolute power without legal warrant”. Actually, both definitions fit our purpose. As you will learn later there is a tyrant that fits the first definition called the “Brutal, vicious, violent tyrant”.

All of the other tyrants will fall under the second category. When you break down the second definition of tyrant it really states that a tyrant is someone who is free and unlimited with their power (potential capacity) without authorized justification. Simply put, someone is messing around with you and to your knowledge you haven’t invited them to do so. Notice I said “To your knowledge”. This is important because often not only have we invited the tyrant into our lives, we serve them dinner.

As you will later learn, there are nine types of two-legged tyrants just waiting to zap your energy, waiting for you to open the door so they can come in. A tyrant can only disrupt and distract you if you allow it. When you open a door to a tyrant, you feel lousy. You are negatively impacted by them and will lose your space and the energy within it. Here lies the key: don’t let the tyrant in.

But notice who opens the door to the tyrant-you do! So that means the best way to deal with the external tyrant is to deal with the internal tyrant first. When you have been successful in dealing with the internal tyrant, the external tyrants will have no impact on you. This is called being at cause, when you are at cause, you have closed the door to the external tyrants.

In our study of the different tyrants, we become aware of how another’s tyranting behavior is key to showing us how we tyrant others. Yes! As hard as it might be to accept, we are actually tyrants to other people. This is a key point to always remember about tyrants they/we are very often not conscious of being a tyrant at all.

Stalking the internal and external tyrant is a simple matter, but easier said than done. Despite the great intentions we have to be at cause in our world, often there is something inside us that still trips us up. What really is it that makes you surrender your valuable time, energy and resources to satisfying the whims of others? Why are you adversely affected by people or situations that tyrant you? What prevents you from shutting these tyrants off and keeping your energy strong?

There are a couple of important reasons the tyrants get-the upper hand on us. First, the external tyrants are highly motivated by survival instincts and are very good at what they do.

Second, the internal tyrant prohibits you from taking correct action to shut the door on the external tyrant’s strategy and tactics. The sad truth is that if both the internal and external tyrant go unchecked, neither you nor the tyrant gain awareness of your patterns.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series B: Module 2: The Tyrants of Life″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror. 

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