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By Sarah Tucker Fisher / In October 13, 2017

Elemental Balance: East Energies

In the East, we determine with the spirit through passion and lust. So, in our lives, with everything we do, whether it is cleaning the floor, writing a paper, or making love, we should do it with the spirit of passion and lust, as if it were the last moment of life. Savor each moment by determining with your intent and focus from your spirit.

It is the element of fire that reflects to us the power of passion and lust, the ability to vision with spirit, and to stalk out the fuel that feed our hungers and brings us joy.  Each of Grandmother’s Worlds have east energies that can also reflect our determination energy and connection to Spirit to us

The crystals sit in the east of the Mineral World wheel and are the holder-determiner brain cells of Grandmother Earth.  A crystal chip in a computer is programmable and allows the computer to create and to run complex programs.  Silicon dioxide chips are the essential elements that drive our electronic age, and used in everything from cell phones to space flight guidance systems.

Trees, also called the Standing Nations, are the giver-determiners who sit in the East of the Plant World Wheel.  Trees have always been used as power symbols, and all magickal lodges, religions, and spiritual paths refer to the human being as the tree of life.  They communicate most directly with human beings because they are in the same place on the wheel that we are – in the place of determination – and the aura of a tree is similar to that of a human.

Trees determine the weather, for they are they lungs of Grandmother Earth.  They carry the memory of the ages and of Grandmother Earth’s story of herself, and the Elders say that the dying and destruction of the ancient grandmother and grandfather trees are slowly erasing that memory.

Trees determine the nature and variety of vegetation that grows around them by determining the amount of light that reaches the ground and the nutrients and acidity in the surrounding soils.  Growing around the tree are those plants that need shade and thrive on that type of soil; those that need sunlight grow away from the tree.  Furthermore, within two hundred feet of any toxic plant will grow its antidote.  Mugwort, for example, is an antidote for poison oak and can be found growing nearby.  Thus, the plant world keeps its balance.  The growth and proliferation of medicinal plants that provide sources for our healing are determined by the sacred trees.  It is no accident that such a large percentage of medicinal plants are found in our lush rainforests.

Since we depend on plants to give us life, food and oxygen, when we clear-cut forests, for example, we are truly destroying the determiners of life on this planet.  This applies to all the worlds of Grandmother Earth.  Human beings live on this planet because these worlds make life possible, and they are necessary partners in our evolutionary journey.  Destroy them, and we destroy ourselves.

The winged ones are aligned with spirit, and they are the receiver-determiners in the East of the Animal World wheel.  They are masters of movement in alignment with the wind energies, so they can fly the currents of the mind.  In every aspect of their being, they symbolize the way our mind receives.

The winged ones also represent our fierce desire to fly.  Even in the earliest cave drawings there are two connections made to the animal world by shamans and sorcerers: first to the horned ones and second to the winged ones.  Early humanity equated freedom with the symbol of the winged ones.  The greatest thing our mind can conceive is its individual, autonomous freedom, and birds represent this at the highest level, symbolically and in practice.  They also give us their wings and feathers as medicine objects that can direct or move energy.

We incarnate into the east race to learn the power of fire in the East in order to embrace spirit and gains moments of illumination.

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