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By Deer Tribe / In December 8, 2023


“Mommy, why can’t I have that toy?” “Mom, I know I have asked you before, but can I go out on Saturday night? Can I”? These needling questions and more are heard all over the world by parents. It is the questioning of a young person to gain something they want. It really doesn’t matter that it’s the fifteenth time in two hours they are asking. It is the deliberate strategy and tactic of a tyrant who has every intention of wearing you down until they get what they want.

On the other end of the telephone a voice that belongs to your mother breaks in on the serenity of a perfectly wonderful day which you have slated for relaxation. In a sad, almost depressed voice she states she has needs for you to fulfill. Before you know it you’re feeling torn and guilty about what to do. It is a deliberate strategy and tactic of a tyrant who has every intention of playing on your sense of right and wrong to get what they want.

After having completed a project that you feel good about, your boss torments you regarding the work you did. He mentally berates you and criticizes the quality of the project. It could be a deliberate strategy and tactic of a tyrant who has every intention of putting you down to get his way which means elevating himself to feel superior to you.

These situations only describe three of nine tyrants that can plague your life. At some time, we have been in these situations or know someone who has. We are often left feeling at the effect of these tyrants, especially if we have a relationship with them. We feel helpless and hopeless to do anything about it.

What is important to remember is that all of life is a choice, and we can choose to be at the effect of these tyrants and lose energy or we can stalk and count coup on them to gain energy as well as autonomy, individuality and the five huaquas of health, hope, happiness, harmony and humor.

To most people the word tyrant conjures the stereotypical image of someone such as an Idi Amin, a dictator who controls a country. These tyrants are often oppressive and keep people locked up in some way against their will. It is important to widen the viewing point of tyrants, for they can also come in more covert and subtle versions, often disguised as loved ones: husband, wife, lover, mate, children, parents, friends or neighbors, However, just as the oppressive tyrant can definitely rob you of your life and life force energy, so too can the more subtle tyrants cause within you a loss of energy and health.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series B: Module 2: The Tyrants of Life″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror.

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