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By Deer Tribe / In August 15, 2024

The Persecuting, Tormenting Tyrant

Part of our Tyrants blog series where you will learn the many faces of the tyrants. You will learn about the other tyrants of life like time, situations, space and the environment. You will also learn about the people called “Two-Legged Tyrants” and what their focus is for tyranting you. You will clearly see how you opened the door and let the tyrant in. Best of all, this series teaches you how to stop any tyrant from stealing your life force energy and how to count coup and gain the true teaching for both you and the tyrant.


My name is Elise and I am eighteen years old. I am here today asking what is wrong with having friends that you like? What is wrong with being free to live your life the way you truly want? Well nothing, unless you have a mother like mine.

I have this girl friend named Millie and I admit she is an off-beat person. She definitely has had a different upbringing than I have and is very free with her sexuality. I like her, we get along great and she provides a mirror of something that I find missing in my life – freedom.

I had known Millie for a few months and on this particular occasion I wanted to go to a rock concert downtown. A great band was playing and Millie got two tickets. You can imagine how excited I was and when I asked my mother if I could go, all hell broke loose. She began to rant and rave about Millie and what kind of person she was. She was a whore, she was stupid, she dressed like a tramp, she came from a low class no good family and the litany of dissatisfaction poured from my mother’s mouth like Niagara Falls.

And my mother continued on, “Furthermore, you are too stupid to see these things. You will let this girl influence you into doing dumb things: You don’t know what I know, but if you did it wouldn’t make any difference because you can only see in front of your nose.” When my mother started on her tirades, she was fierce and she struck fear in me and everyone else within a quarter mile. I never knew what she would say or do next.

Finally something clicked inside me and I decided there was no reason to not go to the concert. I wasn’t doing anything wrong and I wanted to confront this persecuting behavior my mother was expressing. First I went deep inside myself and found my center. Then I shifted my attitude and stopped tormenting myself for my choices in life. I gave up needing to live my life according to anyone else’s beliefs. Next I looked my mother straight in the eye and said “I’m not afraid of your persecuting behavior. I like Millie and she is my friend and will continue to be my friend. I am going to the concert and if you want to stand here and put her down, then that’s your choice but I will no longer be at the effect of your behavior.”

Now when my mother begins her crusades that involve my life I have a new strategy. I get my coat and head for the door and say to her “I guess it’s time to go now”. At first my mom didn’t take kindly to my retort, but over a period of time we worked out a different approach together. Now instead of the tormenting behavior dominating our relationship, my mom stops a moment and then changes the subject. At times we even laugh about it. And now that I’m not triggered by her ranting, I am more willing to listen to her point of view.



This tyrant is the persecuting, tormenting tyrant that hammers at belief systems by putting others’ beliefs down. They use the wind sword (verbal communication) to impact your emotions. Adults and teens will almost always be these kinds of tyrants for each other. Both want to assert their autonomy and rights and are trying to impose their belief systems on each other.

Underlying Cause

This tyrant embodies the enemy of clarity. That means they already know everything and can’t be taught anything more. Often this tyrant stays stuck in their beliefs and is unable to express what they truly mean because they lack the ability to receive knowledge, grow and change. They, therefore, repress what their true abilities and desires are. This is why they attack what gives you meaning.

A second underlying cause for this tyrant’s behavior is that they will localize their attention on a symbol such as a gun, a political viewing point or abortion, for example and put no attention on personal responsibility. The reason this tyrant is unable to feel truly powerful is because underneath is a fear of not being responsible. This is exacerbated by holding onto a philosophy that is untenable.

Unconscious Motivation

This tyrant’s favorite game is to put down what you believe in and disrupt your originality, artisticness, job and career. By putting you down, they think they can elevate themselves. They are most persistent and consistent and, therefore, are the hardest to ignore. This tyrant is trying to communicate to you that they have superior beliefs and that because of their ability to torment, you better be afraid. These tyrants take very little personal responsibility and find their major outlet of energy in persecuting others. They want you to react in anger and lose your space so you will also lose your emotional balance and at this point the tyrant has won.

Impact of the tyrant

The persecuting, tormenting tyrant uses their words guided by the torment they experience in their mind to cut into what holds meaning for you. Because they are limited in their viewing point, they will zero in on where your beliefs are limited and where you are not able to see different options. Then they will hammer their format home to you. The persecuting, tormenting tyrant is trying to invalidate who you are and what you feel. By encroaching on your space, they will focus on what you have and what they don’t have, inducing stress in you by shaking up your world. If you are at the effect of this tyrant they will try to limit your creativity and obstruct your success. Once a north tyrant is in motion it is difficult to stop them.

Join us on the next blog as we take a closer look at this tyrant. See what you need to do to count coup on this tyrant and be at cause in your circle.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series B: Module 2: The Tyrants of Life″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror. 

#DTMMS #DeerTribe #Heal #Change #Grow #SharingKnowledgeThatWorks

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