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By Deer Tribe / In September 8, 2022

The Plant World

Let’s explore the Second World of Grandmother Earth, the Plants, as the givers of energy (learn about all Four Worlds here). What it means for the plants to be givers is that their gift, their essence of being-ness as a plant is to give. They give nourishment, shelter, beauty, inspiration and most importantly through the photosynthesis, the oxygen we breath, our breath of life. Plants teach unconditional giving. You don’t find a plant trying to decide who it will give air to today according to its likes or dislikes. Through its being-ness, it simply gives.

In the South (see Figure 9), the grasses and grains, are the giver-givers. They give by being the food source and nourishment for many animals. Watching a field of grain or tall grass ripple in the wind reminds us of the image of grass as water, therefore connecting it to the south energies.

In the West are the herbs and shrubs which are giver-holders. Herbs will hold their healing properties until such time as they are to give them. For example, the sage holds its cleansing ability until it is burned, then it can be used to heal negative energies. Notice when cooking how herbs change the taste of food. You can learn to tune into their song and know exactly which herb to take when you need healing.

In the North are the fruits and flowers, the giver- receivers. The flowers are like a barometer, for they will receive the energy of their environment and wilt or thrive depending on whether the energy is negative or positive.

In the East are the trees called the “Standing Tree Nations.” The trees are giver-determiners. That the trees are prime givers is obvious. Did you know that the trees also determine the weather? The aura of a tree is most like that of humans (humans are the overall determiners). Therefore, when you need to give something away energetically, hugging a tree is a wonderful energy exchange.

In the Center are the teacher plants. They are the giver-transformers; the catalysts. Teacher plants are natural hallucinogenic plants when mixed alchemically and taken in a proper ceremonial way create the transformation of consciousness which catalyzes our spiritual awareness and knowledge. They have the capacity to take you to inner gateways of knowledge. They teach you how to expand and deepen your understanding of life and the meaning and purpose you attribute to life.

Excerpted from “A Course of Study, Series A: Module 1″, written by Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror.


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