A vision is worth a thousand words of deeply felt body knowing. It leads to positive evolutionary changes in our behavior. We welcome our travels on Medicine Journeys to visit where our ancestors gathered to share knowledge and celebrate life. Our Sweet Medicine SunDance (SMSD) programs are diverse and full of opportunities! We support men and women with their brotherhood and sisterhood gatherings as well as having a self-governing body called the “Council of Law”.
Brotherhood Societies
The Brotherhood Societies are gatherings of men who come to together to share and learn from one another to achieve greater balance and meaning in our lives.
Leaping Frogs Brotherhood Circle
The Leaping Frogs Brotherhood Circle in Michigan meets bimonthly as a wisdom council to support each other in our spiritual growth and for fellowship. Membership opens annually to apprentices on the Sweet Medicine SunDance (SMSD) path. Themes for study and discussion are chosen by the brothers at our annual retreat and vary according to the needs and interests of the group.
For more information, contact: DTMMS: (480) 443.3851 or
Sisterhood Societies
The Sisterhood Societies are a community of women sharing and celebrating the feminine with both community and ceremonial activities. Many stories are expressed about birth, death, joy and pain, success and mistakes. Each story can speak of the abundance of sisterhood circles and the gifts of sharing the feminine.
The Sisterhood teachings & ceremonies can connect one to the spiritual power of our womb.
Women’s Mystery School
The Women’s Mystery School is just one example of a a space for women and their sisters, mothers, daughters and granddaughters to gather together to learn about the mystery of woman. It also offers a place for brothers, fathers, sons and partners to learn with the feminine how to be in balance as women and men.
Contact or 416 603 4912 for more information.
Supporting the Community – Council of Law
The Deer Tribe Lineage Council of Law, as a circle, has the versatility to meet with a less formal protocol and address the various kinds of issues that our organization may be facing. The Council can also sit as a formal Circle of Law.
For more information, contact DTMMS: (480) 443.3851 or